Fountain Pens

The art of writing with a fountain pen has become a lost art to most people, but it’s the best way to write in my opinion. I have always loved fountain pens they have a smoother flow of writing and they look more classic when you sign your name on something. There is nothing better than using a fountain pen in all your writing activities. I got my first fountain at the age of twelve, even though I don’t own it anymore (wish I did, it was given to me by my pop-pop.). This is when the love of fountain pens began, there was a short time when I didn’t use fountain pens, for one reason or another, but that changed about a year later when I walked into a paper store and saw all the different fountain pens and quills, which I also love to use. Now my fountain pen collection has grown significantly over sixty pens of all types. The pens are from many different makers, some have been given to me by friends who happen to find a fountain pen in their house or cleaning up their family ho...