The Kilt - A wonderful Piece of Clothing

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word Celtic or what comes to mind when you hear Kilt. Some might think of Scotland or the movie Braveheart, but there is so much more about the kilt. The wearing of a kilt be it formal type or the American style Utility Kilt is a very honourable thing to wear for any man. First off there is much more breathing room for our man parts then in shorts or pants, so it keeps the sweating done and it keeps everything free flowing and not being squished together or that terrible feeling of having to deal with a heat rash. This is a plus it makes using the urinal much easier there is not zipping down or up, nothing getting caught in the zipper, because there is no zipper. They also come in many different colours and plaids which can be used for all occasions such as weddings, funerals, graduations and any other type of celebration. No matter what you are doing it most likely can be done in a kilt. There are many jobs...