Entitled Culture

 Sorry about doing a political one right of the bat, I just couldn't think of a good one for the beginning. So I thought that I would use the Op-Ed article I was writing for a newspaper which is the reason it's long. All comments are welcomed.

     There are many people in the United States that seem to get upset when someone is doing something that is not part of their own culture. The thing I have noticed on both sides of the political spectrum is that there are so many “entitled” people out there, that think they are more important then everything and you should do and be upset with what they want you to do or be upset with. This is a serious problem, and they need to stop thinking the world revolves around them and they are better then everyone else.     

     I can’t believe how self-indulge and greedy these people and this country has become in the last four years. Yes, politician have always been greedy, but they have become super greedy since 2016. Don’t get me wrong there have been “Karen’s” around for decade, and they still baffle my minds, when they preach “Do as I say and not what I do.”

      There are so many people that think they are owed things, and everyone lives for them. When they are stood up to and told off, they become “Snowflakes”, little children and throw a temper tantrum. Answer me this when did adults start acting worse than children, no one seems to understand the word “No” anymore. They get completely upset when told no or they can’t do something, because of a logical good reason.  These Karen’s as they are being labelled just don’t get it and thinks everyone else owes them for something, they think the world always revolves around their life and activities. This really needs to change; these people need a wake-up call and need to stop all this entitlement and realize that if they have a right to something so does everyone else no matter who they are.

      These are the people that think the Corvid Virus is a hoax and refuse to wear a mask, because they don’t care about other peoples health and only theirs, and since they don’t believe in the virus they will not wear a mask restricting them and their entitlement. These people are mentally unstable, and something needs to be done about them.

       Another set of Karen’s are the politicians that think they are above everyone else and that we work for them. These are the people that seem to do what they want and not caring about if it hurts the people or not. They have the power and now we can all screw off, because they are not leaving and will do everything, they can legal or illegal to stay in office and destroy everything that our founding fathers wanted for us. Then they raise their children with this entitlement, stating that my children are better than yours because I am a senator or a Representative of their government. 

    We really don’t matter to them, and there are many people that embrace and follow into that entitlement. Then when we threaten to take away that entitlement, they all get defensive and start changing the rules and making it difficult for the average person to do anything about taking the power and entitlement away. And for all those who support the politicians who want to do away with these so-called entitlements, remember this Entitlement my ass, we have paid into Social Security and Medicare since we had our first job at age 15 or 16. 

    Our benefits aren’t some kind of charity the government is giving us, we had it taken out to be saved and have it for when we retire. But take a look at the Congressional Benefits – they get free health care there is no co-pays or pay a certain amount. Its free for them. An outrageous retirement plan package, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, an unlimited amount paid sick days. All at taxpayers’ expense and people complain that they don’t want entitlements with their tax money.


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