The Kilt - A wonderful Piece of Clothing


What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word Celtic or what comes to mind when you hear Kilt. Some might think of Scotland or the movie Braveheart, but there is so much more about the kilt. The wearing of a kilt be it formal type or the American style Utility Kilt is a very honourable thing to wear for any man.  First off there is much more breathing room for our man parts then in shorts or pants, so it keeps the sweating done and it keeps everything free flowing and not being squished together or that terrible feeling of having to deal with a heat rash.  This is a plus it makes using the urinal much easier there is not zipping down or up, nothing getting caught in the zipper, because there is no zipper.

They also come in many different colours and plaids which can be used for all occasions such as weddings, funerals, graduations and any other type of celebration. No matter what you are doing it most likely can be done in a kilt. There are many jobs that have men wearing kilts for works from construction workers, tree trimmers, landscaping, roofers and even office jobs along with journalist who seem to enjoy the kilt. Many men have started to wear kilts to church or other religious events and activities. With the Utility kilts and the formal kilts, I have stopped wearing pants even in the winter. They do keep you warm during the cold months. I own many different Tartan Kilts for different events and purposes.

Many celebrities have worn kilts for one reason or another which is a semi trend setting thing to do.  The American Utility kilt is very conformable and made from lighter material then a formal kilt, some of them are made from denim. You don’t have to be from any Celtic Heritage to wear them, any man from any culture can wear a utility kilt and not have to worry about offending any one’s clans or culture, technically you can wear any plaid formal kilt. If you like it wear it, a kilt in one form or another have been around since at least the Babylonian period.

Wearing a kilt is a statement of honour and respect, it is a great way to show the world that kilts are a good fashion statement. There are many companies (a few in the local area) such as the Utilikilt Company based in Seattle, they are the company that started the utility kilt phase on the world so that every man can be toting the kilt. The Utilikilt Brand is made in America right here in the Seattle area. So, one can be proud of an American made kilt. Wearing a kilt is a life choice and, in my opinion, a good one.

People can own more than just one kilt at that, different kilts for different situations, such as ones for parties, weddings, funeral. Work, hiking. There is nothing out there like wearing a kilt, if you want to see more  checkout my website kilt page at thanks. If you have any question on kilts I can help you answer them – please just send me an email.


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