G.I.JOE Collecting

In 1982 Hasbro had brought back a successful toy of theirs, but now they are in a 3.75 scale (1:18) to compete against the Kenner Star Wars figures (yes this was before Hasbro bought Kenner). The first series known as series Alpha or Series One depending on who you are, had fifteen figures plus one mail in figure which made the collection a total sixteen figures and six vehicles that resembles real life Military vehicles. Each figure came with weapons and accessories that made the figures unique. My actual first two figures were from the 1983 series, they had been Torpedo – The Navy SEAL, and Airborne – The Helicopter Assault Trooper. I was so thrilled to find new figures on the shelf that I memorized the whole file-card of both figures. The really cool thing was when I went back to Bradley’s with my mum and had found that they still had some of the 1982 figures on the racks. So I was able to get Snake Eyes -C Commando, Scarlett – Intelligence Officer, Rock N Roll – Machine G...