G.I.JOE Collecting


In 1982 Hasbro had brought back a successful toy of theirs, but now they are in a 3.75 scale (1:18) to compete against the Kenner Star Wars figures (yes this was before Hasbro bought Kenner). The first series known as series Alpha or Series One depending on who you are, had fifteen figures plus one mail in figure which made the collection a total sixteen figures and six vehicles that resembles real life Military vehicles. Each figure came with weapons and accessories that made the figures unique.

My actual first two figures were from the 1983 series, they had been Torpedo – The Navy SEAL, and Airborne – The Helicopter Assault Trooper. I was so thrilled to find new figures on the shelf that I memorized the whole file-card of both figures. The really cool thing was when I went back to Bradley’s with my mum and had found that they still had some of the 1982 figures on the racks. So I was able to get Snake Eyes -C Commando, Scarlett – Intelligence Officer, Rock N Roll – Machine Gunner and Stalker – Ranger, and those were the only straight arm figures I had for a long while.

Ever since the first figure, my life changed for the future because still to this day I still collect G.I.JOE’s and have remained a fan. The Christmas in 1983, under the tree was the G.I.JOE Command Headquarters, the VAMP, the RAM, the Sky Striker, the Wolverine two of the three PAC-RATS, and the MOBAT. Along with the Return of the Jedi Speeder Bike and the X-Wing. This was a cool Christmas for me and yes for my sister too,

I had gotten cases that fit action figures in them and that is were most of my figures still sit for now, and the weapons / accessories are kept in containers. Then I figured the best way to keep the file-cards in photo albums in each year section. I have done this just for the vintage series sets which is from 1982-1994 and 1997-1998 which is the 15th anniversary series. The rest which covers the 2nd generation figures from 2000-2006 are kept in those rollie cases. If your wondering the modern series which is kept in a couple of slotted cases for now, and this covers 2007 -2018. I haven’t bought or gotten any of the Retro-Figures which just came out.

Some of the vehicles up to 1987 were more like military vehicles and in 1987, they started to become more science fiction or prototype  vehicles such as the Defiant Shuttle Complex, which gave the Joes a space shuttle and space station and the Mobile Command Centre which kind of looks like a version of the Star Wars Jawa Sand crawler. The cool set that did come out in 87-88 was the Battle Force 2000 which was supposed to be experimental weapons and vehicles, and those vehicles could split into two and combine them to make a future fortress.

Another cool thing was that G.I.JOE was a big hit all over the world, they had them in England as part of the Action Man series, in Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Russia, Japan and India. I do collect some of the International figures, the ones I have the most of are from India, but I do have a couple from England, Brazil and the Argen 7 (which are the seven that came out of Argentina in the early 80’s.

Hasbro released a new series each year from 1982-1994 when the series ended as well as the Comic series at 155 issues. Then in 1997-1998 they released an Anniversary series of some of the popular figures.

There are many collectors’ groups online and on social media, it has become a high valued market in the toy world. There is also a website that helps identify figures, weapons, accessories, and vehicle playset. If you want to check it out it is Yojoe.com. And many people in the hobby have written collectors guides for the high-end collector. Since 1982 G.I.JOE has been a staple in Pop Culture lore and it isn’t just for boys, there are a lot of women that enjoy collecting the figures, comics and even cosplaying the characters.


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