Cultural Heritage


Being of Anglo-Celtic Heritage is a big different then most other heritages, because it’s not of certain fixed cultures but of a certain area ranging from Ireland to Spain Celtic heritage is vast and spread out, the Anglo-Celtic heritage is being mostly from Anglo- England, which itself comes from the Anglo Tribes and Celtic Tribes that lived on the Island intermingled with the Jutes and eventually the Saxons, which created the dominated the Anglo-Saxons.

The Celtic (pronounced -Keltic) is a culture that is wide and far from Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, Brittany, Wales, Cornwall and Galicia (which makes up the Celtic Nations) but the Celtic culture also covered more of France and Spain  through Estonia, Germany and even the tip of Italy. The Celtic tribes were so spread out and taken so much land that if they would have united under a high king, they would have rivaled the Roman Empire in power and strength.

The Celtic heritage is strong in many European cultures in the musique, clothing, jewellery and even in sports and education. Thanks to Mel Gibson’s version of William Wallace “Braveheart” more and more people are wanting to learn more about Scottish culture and the real story of William Wallace. Besides the inaccuracies of the movie, the Celtic world has many heroes, even though Wallace was later in Scottish history, so he wasn’t really Celtic, but it has become part of the history.

The revival of Celtic culture started back in 1900 when other countries were adapting the kilt to their country and reclaiming the Celtic Heritage and in 1909 is when the Celtic Nations Organization was created. Many countries have a tartan with the College of Tartans, even the United States has five different Tartans along with thirty-nine states of the fifty have a tartan, and the US Military Branches have their own tartans which are all made into kilts to wear in place of a dress uniform. People that have claimed Celtic Heritage of one kind or another are very proud of the culture and love it when others from other cultures want to learn about Celtic Heritage.



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