Celebrating Ostara

Ostara marks the Spring Equinox, which occurs between March 19 - 23. Ostara is a Celtic, Germanic festival of the goddess Eostre and the beginning of the Christian festival of Easter. As the start of spring Ostara is a great opportunity to in a real sense and metaphorically plant seeds for what's to come.
In current living Ostara is likewise a great opportunity to begin making a move on the thoughts and objectives you began pondering around Yule and Imbolc. What you plant during Ostara will be fit to be collected during the approaching mid-year months and the sabbats of Beltane, Litha and Lughnasadh.
Ostara is likewise a great chance to spruce up your home and life. Find an opportunity to do some spring cleaning. Cleaning isn't simply restricted to your home. Find an opportunity to clean up and tidy up regions where you invest a ton of energy, similar to your vehicle, your PC (erase those old messages!) or your work office.
Symbols of Ostara
Colours: Green, pink, blue
Foods: Eggs, honey, sprouted greens, baked goods, asparagus
Stones: Aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz
Symbols: Rabbits, eggs, spring flowers , lambs, clover, baskets
Flowers & Plants: clover, daffodils, crocus, tulips
Deities: Isis, Estotre, Adonis
Ways to Celebrate Ostara
- Planting seeds for a vegetable garden or flower garden
- Spring clean your house
- Decorate an Ostara altar to honour your goddess of choice
- Make egg based dishes and dessert (custard pie, frittatas, egg salad, etc…)
- Take a nature walk with loved ones and look for signs of spring
- Host a tea party with a springtime theme
- Ukrainian egg folk art
- Take time to meditate/journal and think about your intentions for the next few weeks as it relates to the goals you want to achieve
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