The Norse Calendar & Holidays

Fortunately, with these archaeological discoveries have a few references to the past Pagan festivals and the old Icelandic calendar was spent until the eighteenth hundred years, so because of these assets, we can have a surmised thought of how the early Germanic clans coordinated their time. Not at all like our advanced Gregorian calendar, the year was separated into two seasons in particular: Summer and Winter. Albeit the Sun played a significant part in their lives, Vikings utilized the moon stages to monitor time, from new moon to new moon, isolating the year into a year of 30 days and four additional days each fourth Summer called the Sumarauki, to represent jump years. Similarly, as in different civic establishments, solstices and equinoxes had some significance also: these galactic occasions are truly perceptible in the northern locales and assisted them with anticipating the appearance of the changing seasons, something basic for horticulture and cultivating. Here are the names of the various months and times of the Norse "wheel of the year":
Náttleysi (nightless days or Summer
Harpa (mid-April to mid-May): the first month of the year, probably named after a forgotten goddess
or mythical creature.
Skerpla (mid-May to mid-June): probably named after a
forgotten goddess as well.
Sólmánuður (mid-June to
mid-July): its name translates to “Sun month” and it’s the
brightest time of the year.
Heyannir (mid-July to mid-August): or “haymaking”. It’s
time to harvest the hay.
Tvímánuður (mid-August to mid-September): it means “two
months”. This might refer to the two months left of Summer.
Haustmánuður (mid-September to
mid-October): the Autumn month and time to
harvest and get ready for the hard winter months ahead.
Skammdegi (short days or Winter
Gormánuður (mid-October to mid-November): or “slaughter
Ýlir (mid-November to
mid-December): also known as “Yule month”. The
origins of its name aren’t clear, but it seems to be related to the celebration
or to “Jólnir”, one of the names of Odin.
Mörsugur (mid-December to mid-January): its name
translates to “fat-sucking month”. Animal fat was very important to survive the
hard Scandinavian winters when nothing else grew from the land.
Þorri (mid-January to mid-February): or “frozen snow month”. Its name may come from the god Thor (Þor) or
the Norwegian king called Þorri Snærsson.
Góa (mid-February to mid-March): literally “Góa’s month”, who was Þorri’s daughter and a winter spirit.
Einmánuður (mid-March to mid-April): meaning the “lone month” or “single month”, probably referring to the
fact that this is the last month of winter.
Fun fact: each month of the Norse calendar always
started on the same day of the week.
The Norse calendar is loaded up with various
holidays and celebrations, yet we don't have point-by-point records of every
one of them, sadly. What we are familiar a portion of these merriments depended
on middle-age compositions, while others have been reproduced by utilizing the
little data accessible from various adventures, blended in with the Wiccan
Wheel of the Year as a motivation at times.
Þorrablot: or Husband’s day, it was celebrated on the first day of Þorri in honour
of all husbands and fathers. It was held in honour of Thor and of course, the
winter spirit of Thorri.
Góublót: also known as “Wife’s day”, it took place on the first day of Góa in
honour of all mothers and wives. It’s also a celebration of the end of winter.
Sigrblót: the first day of Harpa. A day to celebrate the beginning of Summer and
the victory of light over darkness. Offerings to Freya were made during this
Mid-Summer: a common festivity in many cultures, it was the celebration of light,
fertility and music.
Alfarblót: the first day of Winter. It celebrates the last harvest of the year and
it’s also associated with the goddess Freya. This festivity was celebrated in
the privacy of each home, as opposed to the others and it was led by the women
of the house.
Jól or Yule: a festivity associated with the Wild Hunt and Odin and the predecessor
of the modern Christmas celebrations in northern Europe.
Dísablót: the exact day of this celebration is unclear, some sources say it was
held at the beginning of winter, others at the end of it or it might have been
celebrated on both, actually. This festival honoured all the female figures:
the disir (the female spirits of protection and fertility), goddesses,
ancestors and other female figures of the Norse lore.
What we know today as the
"Heathen Schedule" was as a matter of fact made involving the Wiccan
Wheel of the Year as motivation and giving Nordic names to existing festivals
inside Northern Europe, which were vigorously impacted by Christianity by then.
Obviously, this doesn't imply that you are off-based on the off chance that you
choose to follow this schedule for strict purposes, as it is more helpful for
our advanced way of life. Confidence is something exceptionally private that
develops with time, so pick anything feels ideal for you!
Disting or Disablot (February 2nd): a celebration of new beginnings and preparation of the land for
Ostara (March 21st): rejuvenation of the Earth and celebration of fertility and growth.
Walpurgisnacht or May Eve (April
30th): associated with the god Frey and goddess Freya.
Celebration of love, fertility and the coming of Spring.
Midsummer or Midsummarblot (June
21st): The date of this celebration can vary a little bit
if you decide to do it on the actual Summer solstice. Bonfires, traditional
music and the burning of corn dollies take place to celebrate the brightest
time of the year.
Frey Feast or Freysblot (August 1st): thanksgiving for the fruits of the first harvest of the year. A loaf
of bread is baked as an offering to the god Frey.
Fall Feast or Haustblot (September
23rd): this festivity falls on the Autumn equinox, so the
date may vary a bit if you celebrate it on the actual astronomical event. It
honours the second harvest of the season and it’s the time to gather food for
the upcoming winter months. It’s also a time to reflect on what we have
achieved and to be thankful for what the Earth has given us.
Winter Nights or Vetrnaetr (October
31st): The end of the harvest season, which meant that it
was time to use the meat of the farm animals and start hunting. It’s also a
night to reflect and honour ancestors, as well as the goddess Hela. The veil
between the worlds is thinner during this night, so it’s also a good time to do
some divination for the year ahead.
Yule (December 20th-January 1st): the most important of all Norse holidays, it has a duration of 12
nights, starting on December 20th. The darkest time of the year symbolizes
the beginning and end of all things, and it is when the gods and goddesses are
the closest to Midgard. The dead return to Earth to share feasts with the
living, but other magical creatures run freely at this time too, so be aware!
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