Mabon / Autumn Equinox

that Autumn is here, and wanting to know how to celebrate the beginning of the
changing season, and the coming of Samhain (Halloween)
celebration is named after the God from Welsh folklore, Mabon. He is the
Offspring of Light and the child of the Earth Mother Goddess, Modron.
The festival partner is Ostara or the Spring Equinox. Night and day are
again of equivalent length and in wonderful harmony - dull and light, manly and
female, inward and external, in balance. Yet, we are again on the cusp of
progress and from now the year presently starts to fade and from this second
haziness starts to overcome the light. The pattern of the normal world is
moving towards fulfillment, the Sun's power is disappearing and from this
point forward the evenings develop longer and the days are more limited and
cooler. The sap of trees gets once again to their foundations somewhere down in
the earth, changing the green of summer to the fire of pre-winter, to the
flaring reds, oranges, and golds. We are getting back to the dim from whence we
before we do that, we will party (once more)! This is the Subsequent Reap, the
Organic product Collect and the Incomparable Blowout of Thanksgiving. The Goddess
is brilliant as Collect Sovereign and the God at last passes on with His
endowment of unadulterated love with the cutting of the last grain. He will
return. As the grain reap is securely accumulated in from Lammas and arrives at
consummation, we partake in the overflow of products of the soil as of now. The
time has come to thank the winding down Sun for the abundance of reap presented
to us. It once in a while appears to be that every Celebration requires the
creation of festivity and the giving of much obliged, however, this truly is
thus, each turn of the Wheel brings both internal and external gifts and
Mabon is a festival and furthermore a period of rest after the work of reap. As
far as life way it is the snapshot of harvesting what you have planted, time to
take a gander at the expectations and desires of Imbolc and Ostara and consider
how they have shown. The time has come to finish projects, to get out and give
up that which is not generally needed or required as we plan for the drop, so the
colder time of year can offer a period for reflection and harmony. What's more,
the time has come to sow seeds of groundbreaking thoughts and expectations
which will lie lethargic however sustained in obscurity, until the arrival of
Spring. The Cornucopia, or Horn of Bounty, is a conventional image for Mabon.
It is a brilliant image for the abundance of gather and is a flawlessly adjusted
image which is both male (phallic) and female (empty and responsive)
The apple is the image of the Natural product Collect.
apple figures fundamentally in numerous consecrated practices. It is an
image forever and interminability, for recuperating, recharging, recovery and
completeness. It is related to excellence, long life, and reestablished youth.
The Ogham name for apple is Quert and Quert is the embodiment of wellbeing and
imperativeness. The apple is at the core of the Ogham woods and is the
wellspring of life. For Agnostics, the apple contains 'confidential'. Cut an
apple width way and it uncovers a pentagram containing seeds. It is a
much-cherished image of Agnosticism. The five focuses to address the components of
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water with Soul at the top, and in this manner the bearings
of East, South, West, North, and Inside.
circle around the pentagram addresses the timeless circle/pattern of life and
nature, and of completeness. In custom and service, the pentacle relates to the
component of Earth. It is accepted to be an insurance against evil for both the
individual and the home, worn as a talisman or used to watch passageways to the
home through windows and entryways.
green to red, orange, yellow, brown, and gold. Your raised area ought to be
wearing the absolute best products you can find from fields, woodland, and market,
from gardens and nature. Apples, pears, damsons, sloes, rose hips, elderberries,
blackberries, hawthorn berries, the conceivable outcomes are huge. Assuming you
gather from the wild, be not voracious - consistently leave a lot of leafy
foods preposterous and small animals.
Make an open-air place of worship for the nature spirits in gratitude for the
abundance they help to give. Leave one of each blossom, products of the soil
that you have, as a gift.
Above all, have fun, celebrate Life
& learn
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