To be a Modern Gentleman

"Manners maketh man."
When I saw a companion's Facebook post a few days ago about him being vexed after he was manhandled by a person for presenting his seat on open transportation by that exceptionally said lady, it made me think, how might it work out in reality to be a noble man in the cutting-edge progress in years? What truly goes into taking care of business? Counseling my companion, he guided me toward this statement from one of his posts: "Valour isn't worshipping ladies or disparaging them, and it's no impression of them. It's an impression of you.". What a great many people don't know is that the Code of Chivalry is two lines on being considerate and regarding ladies and the rest is really serving King and Country.
Furthermore, I think this impeccably typifies what being a respectable man is about - acting so not on the grounds that society expects it or we ought to follow through with something, but on the grounds that you really need to. In my view, nothing bad can be said about my companion needing to propose his seat, as it's anything but a reflection on the woman yet rather says a lot about his identity personally: a refined man. Typifying the honorable man's way of life implies keeping a bunch of undaunted guidelines. Careful discipline brings about promising results, correct?
1. Be a good listener.
2. Be a loyal friend. Keep your word.
3. Be reliable and on time. Be punctual.
4. Be trustworthy.
5. Never pull your phone during a conversation or at dinner (even if it’s to show someone a photo).
6. Take pride in your appearance. Look, sharp fellas.
7. Open the cab door for someone (even if it’s a male friend).
8. Call or message to check if your friend got home safely.
9. Make time for what’s important to you.
10. Don’t blame others for your failures but don’t be too hard on yourself.
“Courtesy is as much of a Mark of a gentleman as Courage” – Theodore Roosevelt
11. Fold your washing. No one likes a messy room.
12. Give more than you receive in the bedroom. It’s better if you’re both having fun.
13. Never talk about your salary. It won’t make you feel better if you learn you’re earning more than someone else but it will make you upset when you hear you aren’t. Plus it’s just plain rude to talk about money.
14. Stand when she approaches or leaves the table.
15. Walk on the street side of the curb.
16. Be nice to yourself — stumbles and failures are going to happen. No one’s perfect.
17. Compliment her on more than just her physical appearance.
18. Pull out her chair.
19. Offer your coat when it’s cold.
20. Allow her to order first, but if she isn’t ready, don’t insist.
21. Send her flowers for no reason.
22. Walk her to her car/taxi/door. Regardless of your motive.
23. Hold the umbrella over her.
24. Treat her to dinner out every so often.
25. Put thought into your dates.
26. Be genuinely intrigued with what she has to say.
27. Pay attention whilst in conversation.
28. Encourage her to pursue her goals
29. Carry her heavy bags.
30. Give a massage to your significant other. You know how good it feels when it’s done to you so return the favour.
“A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally.” – Oscar Wilde
31. Have eyes for her and her alone.
32. Respect her space.
33. Always hold the door open the door for someone.
34. Never stop learning. Don’t be a know-it-all.
35. Set your standards and values high.
36. Maintain a Sense of Humor.
37. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Keep your cool.
38. Be willing to share some secrets.
39. Don’t swear. Watch your language.
40. Be genuine. Don’t let others tell you that you’re wrong. And don’t care what others think of you
41. Lead by example… in all aspects of life.
42. Stand up for ladies or those less fortunate on the bus.
43. Stay humble and be gracious.
44. Iron your shirts.
45. Clean your shoes. A man’s shoes say a lot about his personality.
46. Send a handwritten thank you note after attending an event.
47. If you can’t make it, let people know. Don’t just not show up.
48. Don’t have an end goal in mind when going on a date.
49. Share your ideas with people.
50. Always extend a firm handshake.
51. Make breakfast for her.
52. Forgive others. Don’t go holding grudges that’ll eat up inside you.
53. Find a good TV Show, you both love.
54. Go for a walk together
55. Never send more than two texts in a row. Be careful with your words and don’t pester people (especially on Tinder).
56. Embrace change.
57. Don’t bitch about other people. If someone is worth respecting, they’re probably already thinking the same thing as you anyways.
58. Want others to succeed, not to fail.
59. Say “please” and “thank you” often.
60. Admit When you’re wrong. “The most important investment you can make is in yourself.” – Warren Buffet
61. Don’t pick fights you don’t have to.
62. Be comfortable surrounding yourself with good company, or none.
63. Watch how much you drink.
64. Be willing to help others.
65. Maintain eye contact in conversation.
66. Move around confidently and with intention.
67. Respect your elders.
68. Before sending a text (particularly on dating apps), think, what would my mum think if she read this?
69. Guard your reputation with your life.
70. Be chivalrous, not patronizing.
71. Learn, observe, and study, but never worship.
72. Attitude is everything. Maintain a positive one.
73. Make reservations for the restaurant.
74. Help a lady with her coat but ask first, “May I?”
75. Mind your table manners.
76. This shouldn’t need to be even said but a gentleman never hits a woman. Ever.
77. Pay attention to the details.
78. Ask for her family’s blessing before proposing.
79. Tell her you care. Every. Single. Day.
80. Embrace your inner Fred Astaire. Have a dance and don’t stand idle.
81. Keep your hygiene in check.
82. Be a grown-up. Clean up any unsavoury social media profiles from yesteryears.
83. Find your purpose.
84. Be clear about what you want.
85. Don’t be greedy.
86. Know the difference between confidence and arrogance.
87. Stay open-minded but firm in your beliefs and morals.
88. Never lie to a woman unless it is to surprise her.
89. Mean what you say and say what you mean.
90. Try not to judge. We all carry prejudices but make sure you’re aware of them.
“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.” – George Bernard Shaw
91. Know how to cook… at least one good meal.
92. Always offer to pay.
93. Know when not to say anything.
94. Always offer a drink to your guests and carry their luggage to their rooms.
95. Never kiss and tell.
96. Know when to clap.
97. Know how to tell a good story.
98. Know the exception to a rule.
99. Know how to give a good toast.
100. Be yourself.
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