Julefest at Nordic Museum


It's almost here the 44th yearly Julefest will be on this year, subsequent to missing a year ago. It will likewise be at the Nordic Heritage Museum in Ballard, WA

Perceive how Nordic nations ring in the Yuletide by tasting Scandinavian treats, seeing exhibitions from neighbourhood Nordic gatherings, and looking for house-made products..

Fun, bubbly, and seasonal happiness with your Museum.

November 20-21, 2021, the National Nordic Museum will have its 44th yearly Julefest: A Nordic Holiday Celebration. This social local area occasion changes the Museum grounds into a conventional open air Nordic market like those broadly went to all through the Nordic district.

During Julefest, guests are drenched in an assortment of Nordic occasion customs. Visitors can hope to find a cutting edge turn on a conventional market as they can shop from over 30+ nearby specialists, taste customary occasion toll, and appreciate Nordic music and dance exhibitions.

Track down the ideal present for every individual on your vacation shopping list by scrutinizing the Nordic-enlivened products of in excess of 40 shippers. The weekend-long celebration presents credible open-face sandwiches in the Nordic Cafe; winter treats, for example, krumkake at Goodies-to-Go, lefse in the Kaffestuga, and Danish Ebelskiver and the occasion refreshment glogg, a hot flavoured spiced wine and the toast of the Bodega! Scandinavian fiddlers, artists, and people artists rejuvenate Nordic culture, performing on stages all through the Museum. Youthful and old the same appreciate free occasion propelled specialities, exercises, and visits with Santa.

This two-day celebration has drawn in more than 12,000+ participants yearly, including Pacific Northwest occupants, sightseers, and local area accomplices. Julefest is a reasonable and available multi-far-reaching development that draws different crowds and teaches guests about Nordic culture and customs.


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