Celtic Music

 Sorry for the short blog, I originally didn't have anything planned for this week, but i figured I would post an article I did on Celtic Music.  I may write a longer on later.

Celtic Music has always been a conceived influence. People’s excitement for Celtic customary music was such an extent that Matt Andrews said he was sold without hearing a solitary note.

Matt was at a Celtic Festival years ago and when he heard  a component of arrangements of harps and bagpipes giving out a melodic sort that you're curious about. As an curious person for  multi-instrumentalist and enthusiastic Irish traditional music, Matt was entirely positioned to sit and listen to the whole concert.

"Attempting to pick tracks for you, from many artist of the genre is not an easy one!"

Matt returned to the stage later that day to get a feel of what was called Celtic Rock, its rock n roll music with the added instruments of a hurdy-gurdy, penny whistle and bagpipes,.

"These folks resembled a modern rock group in kilts."

“However this is more than rock, it had a strong sense of pride that I loved”

Then a female vocalist got on stage and simply had a voice like velvet. Furthermore, the exciting way she was singing, she was simply astonishing."

Celtic Music is a living practice that draws on the past yet continues to move. On the off chance that there was an insight that conventional music was stale. Celtic music tells folk stories through rhythm and the expression of how the instruments are played along with the voices of the many singers.

There have never been more individuals playing and singing and positively with this pandemic, individuals are listening increasingly more to music and I truly think they have a newly discovered appreciation for Celtic music.

There are such countless various styles, Matt says and in the event that you root around a piece, you will undoubtedly discover something you like:

"At the point when individuals say once in a while that there are 'an excessive number of notes' in Celtic music, and it's so difficult to comprehend or to follow”, I will say this to them they have never truly listened to Celtic music and don’t understand the meaning of the story being told in sound.


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