

This is a great value that some communities have forgotten about. It gives you a good feeling knowing that you’re doing something good for you community and helping others that may need it.

I have been volunteering in one compacity or another with many different places for more than twenty years. For people that say they don’t have time to volunteer or they are to busy, all I say is that I went to college full time, worked full time, volunteered  and still made the board meetings of the organizations I belong to all the time, and then still have a gaming group that meets once a week to game. So, I know there is time for people to do this in their busy schedule and help their community out.

The best volunteering job I have is that of inspirational work of knowing people will not go hungry each week, and I volunteer at the Edmonds Food Bank, in downtown area of Edmonds. I love it, it’s great work and have been doing that for thirteen years. So many people need food and household items, and I am there to help them get it. This job is two days a week, and sometimes three. Sometimes this is the only time people will be able to have food, so we are an essential part of the community. I don’t want to see people go hungry or must choose to pay a bill or buy groceries. I don’t make any judgement when it comes to people asking for food, just because the car they drive or where they live. Everyone at some point needs help, and I am glad to be one of the many people to be able to help.

I do a lot of other volunteer work through out the year (Not right now thanks to Corvid) besides that of the food bank. I have volunteered at a few museums in Western Washington, one was the Edmonds Museum. I still volunteer at the Nordic Heritage Museum which is located in Ballard. I was there at the opening Ceremony and got to meet some Dignitaries from Scandinavian Countries, Such as the President of Iceland, and others. I usually volunteer there during the Yulefest (which is their Christmas Festival that takes place in the middle of November). I have volunteered a couple of times at their Viking Days. I also volunteer at some of the conventions I attend, such as Norwescon and a few times at Emerald City Comic Con. I have been doing volunteer work at Norwescon for Twenty-Seven years, minus this year because of Corvid, and the upcoming year in 2021 because it will be just online.

Volunteering as a family is a great way to share an activity together and to in sure that you are showing your children good values and showing that volunteering is good for the community. And this may bring the family closer as well. Its always a good feeling to help people who are less fortunate than you may be at the time, at least depending on where you volunteer at.

You can always volunteer at Soup Kitchens, Food Banks, Outside shelters, or thrift shops that’s use volunteers. You can always make food or hygiene kits and help handing them out to the homeless along with blankets and winter coats that may be needed in your area. Donating time is not the only way to help, money to organizations that spend it on the people they help, or buying items that some places may need to help people.


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