Renaissance Faires


Nothing brings to the minds with the mention of the word Renaissance Faires than giant turkey legs, Jousting and dressing in Renaissance Garb or Medieval Garb depending on when it is supposed to take place in.

There are at least one or two Renaissance Faires in almost every state in the union, and in the UK and Europe. Some Ren Faires try to be strict and be set in one particular period of time. They also have dress and costume restriction, then some are lacks on the rules for faire proper for the customers. Some even add the fantasy element into their faires. 

For Us here in Washington state we have what we have named the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire. This faire takes place the first three weekends in August of each year, and has been my home faire for many, many years. Out of all the Ren Faires that I have been to, this is one of the best and that is not a bias opinion. I will tell you why it’s because this faire does a few things that most do not do or don’t have the room to do. We at the Washington Renaissance Faire supplies an area for patron to camp and set up RV’s each weekend. Patrons come Friday afternoon and set up and even attend a Pub Opening till midnight. Then they completely enjoy the Ren Faire for the two days, leave that Sunday evening and do it for two more weekends with a different theme each weekend for the patrons to enjoy.

Our faire takes place in the late Elizabethan period, and that is different in all the faires that you would visit with the majority of them in the Tudor period of some kind and a few in the Arthurian times. With our faire that we do in Oregon it’s still in the Tudor Period but takes place in a small village in Scotland and has Mary Stewart – Queen of Scots as the visiting monarchy. Most of the fashion is done for the 16th century at the faires. I haven’t been to one that wasn’t dealing with the Tudor Time period.

There are other faires that will do the middle to late Victorian Era with some of them having elements of steampunk or they just focus on the Charles Dickens section of the era. These are fun as well and they usually last one or two weekends. In some places the whole town will do the Victorian Festival  and its amazing how a modern town turns its clock back over a hundred and twenty years.

Coming back to the Renaissance Faires, and as a patron there is so much to do and watch. We have many different stages that have an act of some kind always going on from opening to closing and wondering musicians to entertain us all. There is so much to do in two days, so coming back for the other weekends is a must for some. There is an arena to watch knights in full armour sword fight and joust. The arena is also used for other events such as a unit of pikemen perform some manoeuvres and demonstrate how to use a pike. You also have the ability to become knighted and meet the Queen of the Faire, you can dance around or just hang out with the faeries guild at the faire  You can help dance around the May Pole with many other patrons and participants.

There are many different food vendors, along with clothing vendors, weapon vendors and trinket vendors to by a remembrance of your time at the faire.  Many people bring cameras or video cameras to take video or photos of their time here and show to people that couldn’t make it.

Being a participant at the faires, I see it through different eyes, because I know some of the hard work and the time that goes into making the faire great for the patrons. There are a lot of people behind the stage that work so hard and still play when the faire opens, that they should be recognized for their hard work and efforts for it not for them none of this would happen. And they are always ready if something goes wrong or needs to be fixed in a hurry.

Ren-faires or any type of Cultural faire is important, not just for fun but for the educational value that they bring to people without even knowing that they are being educated. The faires supply a great deal of educational and entertainment value day in and day out.

So when you get a chance, grab a goblet fill it with mead and Toast the Queen or King, but most importantly have fun.

                                                HUZZAH -


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