

Talking about Reenactors brings up so many visions and ideas about someone’s hobby or lifestyle that they make money from. There are so many different reenactors and groups all over the world. I don’t do much cosplaying anymore because I don’t have the time. I have always been a huge of history, I even have a degree in History/Philosophy. I taught history for a yea, worked in a couple of museums and still volunteer at one. History Reenactors are some of the funniest people you will ever meet.

The first time I saw reenactors was when I went on a class trip to Colonial Williamsburg, and I asked so many questions on the ideas of living in the past. This happened when I was in the fourth grade and wanted to know as much as possible my hobby at that time was reading “Almanac and Book of Facts.”. I read these books from cover to cover each year until about 1990 and started to read other information books. When I investigated becoming a reenactor, it was around the time I was a junior in high school, and I talked with people that re-enacted the Civil War. Yes they have those groups in Washington State, actually Civil War and Revolutionary War Reenactors are all over the country.  I found a local group and started to hang with them and picked up what was needed to get started. First off Civil War Re-enactment Supplies and Clothing was not on the cheap side, as with all reenactor clothing. It was a fun experience and I have enjoyed it ever since, even though sadly the only time I do get to do it is at a Renaissance Faire as a participant.

I did civil war re-enactment for about two years, then moved onto other eras of history. The next I went onto re-enacting in a group that used the Celtic History as their portrayal of a Celtic Tribe, and along with a fried of mine who did the Viking re-enactment. This was a great educational and fun adventure for a person who loves their Celtic Heritage.

I have a whole persona for my Renaissance Faire character including a backstory for him and a few others that enjoy it as well. I also will be using a bit of an older version of this character at the Pirate Festival in Washington as well.

Some people say that the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronisms) is a re-enactment group as well, since they have stringent rules of what you can and can not wear, but their time periods are wider than most re-enactment groups. There is even a whole organization / group that has recreated the Rome Republic called “Nova Roma” . I have enjoyed all the re-enactment groups that I have been in and would like to get back to doing it again.

There are so many groups out there for people who are looking to get into re-enacting and learning what it is all about.  People also do solo re-enactment professionally, such as Greg Robin Smith who re-enacts and basically becomes Benjamin Franklin. He goes from school to school or event to event and talks about life in re and post-colonial America. He even attended a dinner at the Edmonds Masonic Lodge for all the lodge brothers to see what he was like , and we all enjoyed him as Franklin.

I even have met a person who is a professional Oliver Cromwell so much that he almost lives the way Cromwell did when he was the Lord Protector of England.

One last thing is that being a reenactor is not to expensive if you do it a professional job, but it can get expensive over time. But there are many online stores that will help you get your feet wet. Such as the Museum Replicas Ltd., or Armstreet Store  and Medieval Collectables

Good Luck and remember to always have fun and enjoy what you are doing, no matter what you are doing.


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