Lammas/ Lughnasadh Celebrations:

Lammas is the primary gather celebration in the Wheel of the Year, the series of occasional, fundamentally Celtic celebrations that many witches and agnostics celebrate consistently. Lammas festivities, otherwise called Lughnasadh, happen every year in the northern half of the globe on August first, (and in the southern side of the equator on February first). Lammas and Lughnasadh festivities focus on the main grain collect and first products of the year so in spite of the fact that it is a late spring agnostic occasion; it is likewise viewed as a harbinger of fall. The names of the celebrations in the Wheel of the Year come from a wide assortment of sources. Lammas Day is really a variant of the Christianized name for the celebration, "portion mass," albeit the practice of eating made to praise the collect season unquestionably originates before Christian masses in Ireland, Ridges, and other Celtic nations. The elective name for this celebration is Lughnasadh. To obs...