How to make a fan film

We find inspiration in everyday moments, in books or other fine art, and from a colossal assortment of spots from individual to individual. Some find motivation from Star Wars, Star Journey, and Comic Books, and need to make something. If you have any desire to check film-making out get going doing a fan film from your number one classification. Track down a particular motivation so you realize The reason why you're getting it done. Alright, this sounds simple, yet look in the event that you have consistently cherished Star Wars yet have never been headed to make a fan film before now. "I like _____" is totally, as I would see it, NOT a sufficient motivation to keep you persuaded during the course of preproduction, shooting, and post-production. There is a part of the universe that you get an opportunity to hypothesize about and reach your own decisions without being spoon-fed by the existing story, and that blend of "existing universe, the far-fetched situat...