Sorry that this is a Long Blog, But i wanted people to understand what Haggis is and why its a Great dish in Scotland and the Modern Celtic Culture. There is a traditional recipe at the end of the Blog if you want to try making Haggis the original way. Haggis, the public dish of Scotland, a sort of pudding made out of the liver, heart, and lungs of a sheep (or other creature), minced and blended in with hamburger or lamb suet and oats and prepared with onion, cayenne pepper, and different flavors. The combination is pressed into a sheep's stomach and bubbled. Haggis is economical, appetizing, and sustaining. In Scotland it previously was viewed as a provincial dish and was so celebrated in Robert Burns' lines "To a Haggis" (1786), yet in the 21st century haggis is presented with some service, even bagpipes, especially on Burns Night (held yearly on January 25, Burns' birthday) and Hogmanay, as the Scots call their New Year's festivals. Haggis is typic...