Writing about Vampires
In my supernatural-thriller, there are vampires good and bad. I have been a fan of vampires since I was a young child. Dracula and Camilla are my favourite Vampire Stories. Study vampire lore to make characters vampire lovers will appreciate. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative. Come up with unique names for your vampires to make them stand out from any human characters you might have in your story. You don’t have to think extreme, but do better than Bob. Bob would be a sad vampire. What age do your vampires look? (This will be whatever age they were bitten.) And how old are they really? Vampires are immortal, so a vampire that looks to be 21 years old can actually be 210 years old. Give your vampire classic vampire traits such as pale skin. (Even a vampire with a dark complexion can still appear paler than normal. After all, a vampire is the living dead, and a person’s skin colour changes with death.) You can also play with other characteristics of corpses such a